
On behalf of the Department of Health and Physical Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to the following organizations and participants. Without their support, help and contribution, the Summer School for PE Teachers 2009 would not have been successfully organized:


Education Bureau for granting us the tender and financing the project.


Mr. CHAU Chi Kong

Mr. CHEW Hin Pong

Mr. CHOI Hok Fu

Dr. CHOW Chi Kin

Ms. CHOW Pui Yu, Lina

Dr. CRUZ Alberto

Ms. HO Lan Wai , Laura

Mr. HUNG Chor Ying

Mr. KAM Wai Keung, Kevin

Mr. LAI Hung

Ms. LAU Yiu Hung, Pam

Mr. LEUNG Pak Wai

Dr. TSANG Cheuk Kuen, Eric

Ms. WONG Kit Yee, Joey

Mr. YEUNG Wing Nin

Mr. YAN Siu Kang , Sean

for serving as members in the Organizing Committee and offering valuable and professional advice for planning and organizing of the Conference, Seminar and Workshops (the list is in alphabetical order);


Prof. LU Yuanzhen, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, School of Physical Education and Sport Science of South China Normal University

Prof. LOUIE Hung Tak, Lobo, Associate Professor, The Department of Physical Education of the Hong Kong Baptist University

Mr. WONG Tak Sum, Manager of Hong Kong Athletes Career & Education Programme (HKACEP) of the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China (SF&OC)

for serving as keynote speakers and sharing with local PE teachers with their expert knowledge and practical ideas on promoting social cultural aspects through PE;


Mr. CHAN Ching Yat, PE Teacher, PLK Yu Lee Mo Fan Memorial School

Mr. CHAN Ka Lun, PE Teacher, Fung Kai Liu Man Shek Tong Secondary School

Mr. CHAN Kui Yin, Vice-Principal, Ho Ngai College

Mr. CHAN Siu Pong, PE Teacher, La Salle Primary School

Ms. CHEUNG Sau Wai, PE Teacher, Ma Tau Chung Government Primary School (Hung Hom Bay)

Mr. CHIN Hon Kai, PE Teacher, CCC Kei Wa Primary School

Mr. CHOI Hok Fu, ECA Panel Head, H.K.T.A. The Yuen Yuen Institute Shek Wai Kok Primary School

Mr. CHU Yeuk Chun, PE Teacher, Ma Tau Chung Government Primary School (Hung Hom Bay)

Dr. CRUZ Alberto, Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Mr. FOK Woo Ping, Solicitor

Mr. FONG Fat Wah, PE Teacher, Salvation Army Centaline Charity Fund School

Ms. HO Lan Wai, Laura, PE Teacher, Caritas Lok Yi School

Mr. HUNG Chor Ying, Principal, Yan Chai Hospital Tung Chi Ying Memorial Secondary School

Mr. KO Wai Yip, PE Teacher, Ma Tau Chung Government Primary School (Hung Hom Bay)

Mr. LAI Hung, PE Teacher, Church of Christ in China Kei Long College

Mr. LAM Cho Wai, PE Teacher, La Salle Primary School

Mr. LAM Ho Yuen, PE Teacher, Christian Alliance S.Y. Yeh Memorial Primary School

Mr. LAU Ka Chun, Andy, PE Teacher, Pui Kiu Primary School

Mr. LEUNG Chi Long, PE Teacher, Ma Tau Chung Government Primary School (Hung Hom Bay)

Mr. LEUNG Kam Fai, PE Teacher, Pui Kiu Primary School

Mr. LI Chi Ming, PE Teacher, Tin Shui Wai Government Secondary School

Ms. LUNG Wai Ling, PE Teacher, Salvation Army Shek Wu School

Mr. SUN Hung Yu, PE Teacher, Kwong Ming Ying Loi School

Mr. TSE Tim Loi, PE Teacher, H.K.T.A. The Yuen Yuen Institute Shek Wai Kok Primary School

Mr. TSE To Hung, PE Teacher, China Holiness Church Living Spirit College

Mr. TSOI Shun Cheong, Counsel

Mr. WONG Fu Hong, PE Teacher, Sing Yin Secondary School

Mr. WONG Yuet Ming, Headmaster, Tsuen Wan Lutheran School

Mr. YEUNG Ying Wai, PE Teacher, Aberdeen Baptist Lui Ming Choi College

for serving as presenters and sharing their school-based experience with PE teachers (the list is in alphabetical order);


Mr. CHU Tsz Yat, PE Teacher, Fung Kai No.1 Primary School

Mr. YAN Siu Kang, Sean and students, PE Panel Head, HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School

for serving as demonstrators and conducting the lessons for analysis with their students (the list is in alphabetical order);


Ms. AU Hok Leung, Hong Kong Baseball Association

CCDC Dance Centre Instructors, City Contemporary Dance Company Ltd

Dr. CHAN Kam Hung

Mr. CEN Huai Guang

Mr. CHENG Kam Wah, Richard

Mr. CHIU Wai Kae, Hong Kong Dodgeball Association

Mr. CHOI Hok Fu

Mr. CHOW Wai Yip, Hong Kong Dodgeball Association

Mr. LAM Chi Kin, Claudius, Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association

Mr. LAU Yau Kuen, Hong Kong Adventure Education Centre

Ms. LEUNG Yu Chung, Hong Kong Baseball Association

Ms. LEUNG Kit Man, Venessa, Hong Kong Dance Federation Limited

Mr. LEUNG Yuet Ming, Hong Kong Tenpin Bowling Congress Ltd.

Mr. LI Chiu Ting, Kent, Hong Kong Tenpin Bowling Congress Ltd.

Ms. LI Ya Nan, Excellence Education Centre

Mr. LI Zhi Lin

Ms. LIU Kit Ngo

Mr. LUI Tsz Kai, Daniel, Hong Kong Tenpin Bowling Congress Ltd.

Mr. LUK Cheuk Shing, Johnson, Luk Chee Fu Martial Arts Federation

Ms. KONG Ronly, City Contemporary Dance Company Ltd

Mr. KWOK Man Lung, Kwokˇ¦s Kung Fu & Dragon Lion Dance Team

Mr. KWOK Wai Chung, Patrick, Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association

Ms. SHUM Yat Chi, Hong Kong Tenpin Bowling Congress Ltd.

Mr. YIU Kwok Kuen, Arthur, Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association

Mr. YONG Chi Fung

Mr. YUNG Chi Ko, Denny

Ms. WONG Shuk Yin, Lena

Mr. WONG Wai Choi

for serving as the tutors and instructors of the workshops for primary and secondary school PE teacher (the list is in alphabetical order);


Ap Lei Chau Sports Centre

Asia Golf Club

CCDC Dance Centre

Dragon Bowling - Amoy

Garden Farm Golf Centre

HK & Kln Chiu Chow Public Association Secondary School

Island East Sports Centre

Po Leung Kuk Dr. Jimmy Wong Chi Ho (Tin Sum Valley) Primary School

SKH Li Ping Secondary School

St. Paul's School (Lam Tin)

The Hong Kong City Arts Centre

The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Tsuen Wan Town Hall

Tsz Wan Shan Catholic Primary School

TWGHs S. C. Gaw Memorial College

Yan Chai Hospital Tung Chi Ying Memorial Secondary School

for reserving venues and facilities for organizing conference, seminar and workshops.



LI Chung, PhD.
Organizing Committee
Summer School for PE Teachers 2009

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