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How parents have different parenting styles affect adolescents' self-esteem? /

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How parents have different parenting styles affect adolescents' self-esteem? /

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Student Projects
Publication Information:
Fung, Wai Yu
Hong Kong : Education University of Hong Kong
According to Hong Kong Playground Association (2014), different parenting styles will affect adolescents' self-esteem and psychological development. This study focuses on the relationship between adolescents' self-esteem and parents' different parenting styles. The result shows that the relationship between adolescents' self-esteem and parents' different parenting styles have significant relation. In this study, the reason and how parents have parenting styles affect adolescents' self-esteem was mentioned. There are total 6 cases in this study, qualitative research (in-depth interviews) was adopted. We examined that adolescents with the same parenting styles have the same perception about their parent's parenting styles. Second, all interviewees recalled significant incidents that related to their parenting' parenting style that affected their self-esteem. Those incidents are mostly related to their mother as we found out that mother plays an important role in sons and daughters' life rather than father. Female interviewees tend to recall the incidents that bring negative impact on their self-esteem as their mother seldom cares for them; male interviewees tend to recall the incidents that bring positive impact on their self-esteem as their mother provides care and support to them. Daughters tend to have lower self-esteem and sons tend to have higher self-esteem. However, interviewees tend to be distant to their father and father's parenting style did not have a significant impact on interviewees' self-esteem. Last, mothers tend to have greater affection towards sons and daughters as mothers have a stronger connection with sons and daughters
Call Number:
LG51.H43 hp BA(LSE) 2021eb Fungwy
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