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Investigating the effectiveness of online PE lesson during COVID-19 on student's social behavior /

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Investigating the effectiveness of online PE lesson during COVID-19 on student's social behavior /

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Student Projects
Publication Information:
Tong, Wai Yuen
Hong Kong : Education University of Hong Kong
Upon the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, all schools adopted online teaching methods as a substitute for traditional face to face lessons. Social behavior of students has significantly diminished. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of online PE lessons during COVID- 19 and the impact of student's social behavior. In questionnaire 1 and 2, 205 responses and 146 responses were received respectively. In this study, there were four major findings. First, most of the students think that online physical education lessons cannot encourage more discussions among students on academic related. Second, more students pointed out that it was harder to communicate with teachers in online PE lessons. Also, they cannot take the initiative to express their idea in the online physical education lesson. Third, a majority of students reflected that taking virtual PE lessons resulted in fewer opportunities to work with classmates, when compared with face-to-face lessons. In addition, these lessons also lessened the chance to train up team spirits and cooperation abilities. Fourth, most of the students think that online PE lessons are not effective, and the major reasons are "students are away from the keyboard", "lack of interaction", "Boring & hard to focus on the lesson". In summary, online PE lessons during the COVID-19 are seen to have low effectiveness and resulted in a significant decrease in student's social behavior. School and government should offer a guideline or training for teachers which can help them to design creative and interactive virtual lessons. It can provide ore opportunity to students to interact and improve their social behavior
Call Number:
LG51.H43 hp BEd(PE) 2021eb Tongwy
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