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The design on music playgroup's curriculum influence on children's cognitive development /

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The design on music playgroup's curriculum influence on children's cognitive development /

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Student Projects
Publication Information:
Chan, Tsz Yan
Hong Kong : Education University of Hong Kong
The purpose of this research was to investigate the music playgroup's curriculum design and the lesson plan whether it can enhance children's cognitive development. The study will state the analysis result on the music playgroup's pedagogies that was used in the lesson and later assess whether a certain type of activities such as games can bring a significant enhancement on children's cognitive skills. Based on the study with the CEO Academy, Community Engagement and Outreach Academy of Creative Arts from the outreach unit of the Department of the Cultural and Creative Arts in Education University of Hong Kong. The music playgroup has 6 participants in the group of 1 to 3-year-old at CEO Academy. Data was collected by interviews. In a qualitative data analysis, the curriculum and lesson plans will also be evaluated. The design of the music playgroup is planned with integrated pedagogies like Dalcroze, Kodaly and Orff Approach, not to mention body movement is the medium to explore rhythm. The curriculum is planned in a theme that correlates with Hong Kong context which fully addresses local children needs. While the lessons are planned in a regular routine which starts from a "Hello" song and farewell with a "Goodbye" song, with multisensory components and plentiful opportunities to stimulate rhythm and tactile. The variety of media has successfully enhanced children's cognitive development in sensory, motor and memory
Call Number:
LG51.H43 hp BA(CAC)/BEd(MU) 2021eb Chanty
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