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The effect of teacher's Hong Kong accented English on students' perception of how professional a teacher is /

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The effect of teacher's Hong Kong accented English on students' perception of how professional a teacher is /

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Publication Information:
Kwan, Wing Tung
Hong Kong : Education University of Hong Kong
Most previous studies about non-native speakers' perception on accents concluded that non-native speakers believe that only the native "standard" accents are the most preferred, and are regarded as "perfect" and "proper". Some studies show results that are inconsistent. Moreover, previous studies seldom focus on ESL classroom contexts. Therefore, the aim of the study is to explore the relationship between accents and the professional image of teachers, and whether stereotype happens. In this study, three accent samples with the same script will be used to study participants perception on the teacher's professional knowledge on the content and about teaching. The accent samples are broad Hong Kong accent (HKBr), Educated Hong Kong accent (HKed) with features of other native English varieties and native UK accent (RP), verbal guise techniques was used to provide samples. The study is a quantitative research using questionnaire which involved 52 participants who studied in local Hong Kong secondary schools.The results of the present study proved five main findings: 1. RP accent is still more prestigious in ESL classroom, 2. HKed accent is ranked and rated almost as positive as RP in ESL classroom, 3. HKbr has a much lower rating and ranking in all areas compared to other accents, 4. Over half the participants believe accent is not related to teaching ability and 5. Opinions varies over individuals
Call Number:
LG51.H43 hp BEd(EL) 2022eb Kwanwt
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