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To explore how social media boost the online consumption of the Education University of Hong Kong students /

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To explore how social media boost the online consumption of the Education University of Hong Kong students /

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Student Projects
Publication Information:
Chow, Chung Ki
Hong Kong : Education University of Hong Kong
Introduction: Social networking sites are well-known in reaching information, and even certify users to create online business pages to promote products with social media modes. Social media is influential to consumers' online consumption behaviors and can boost their online transactions in general. While little is known regarding whether young consumers, particularly university students, tend to change their online shopping behaviors and make consumption due to the advertising content or promotion means.Purpose: This study contributes to bringing practical values to university students, businesses, and the government, by (1) enabling students to understand and review their online consumption patterns, (2) urging businesses to understand students' perceptions on social media promotion in order to offer their products from an ethical perspective and fulfill their corporate social responsibility, and (3) providing recommendations for the government to develop more appropriate consumer protection laws and regulations.Methodology: A convenience sampling method was used to select EdUHK students to be the target sample of the research. A mixed-method approach was adopted to collect the primary data from questionnaires and interviews. Two hundred EdUHK full-time undergraduates in all study years were invited to fill in the questionnaires through online survey. Respondents were asked to indicate their choice in response to statement with a 7-point Likert rating scale. IBM SPSS Statistics 26 was used to analyze the descriptive statistics in frequencies and to compare the means with gender effect by an independent-sample t test. Four interviewees were selected through phone contact to conduct zoom interviews for cross-checking purposes, and the concept of redundancy was applied to filter the optimal number of interviewees for this study.Results: The results of the study and analysis on students' online consumption behavior empirically justified the positive relationship between social media promotion and the online consumption of EdUHK students. The study also identified the reasons and how the promotions on social media advertising effectively affected the consumption patterns of EdUHK students. Significant gender repercussions have been discovered in the e-shopper decision-making process.Discussion and conclusion: The study underlines the advantages of using social media as a promotional approach for university students. Viable solutions are recommended to university students to avoid online-purchasing in an irrational or emotive way. Recommendations are also given to local government and businesses to generate returns ethically and social responsibly. Moreover, forthcoming studies can broaden the sample size for obtaining more representative results. Future research should also investigate the relationship between online personalization and consumption behaviors, as well as exploring how a close family-child relationship would affect students' consumption behaviors. This would allow for more understanding of the effectiveness of online consumption content to consumers
Call Number:
LG51.H43 hp BEd(BAFS) 2021eb Chowck
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