EdUHK Collection
Showing 91 to 100 of 456 results
幼兒教育面面觀 : 研究與實務結集本 = Perspective : studies and research on early childhood education /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
2012 (Vol. 5)
劉慧中 | 戴燕儀Policing and policy transfer : is Mainland China learning from Hong Kong? /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
Lo, Shiu Hing自閉症學童教育 : 《粤港自閉症研討會》文集 = Education of students with autism : paper collection of autism in seminars of Hong Kong and Guangzhou /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
冼權鋒 | 余秀螢Curriculum and teaching reforms : contexts, implementation and sustainability /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
Lee, John Chi-kin