EdUHK Collection
Showing 71 to 80 of 456 results
A new civics curriculum for Australian schools : is it national education? /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
Tudball, LibbyMosston教學光譜在香港的研究與推展 = Research and promotion of Mosston's spectrum of teaching styles in Hong Kong /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
李宗 | 甘偉強 | 高達倫 | 周佩瑜Persons with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
Cheng, Sheung-tak「適異教學」在特殊學校的實踐與啟示 : 數學科「乘法規律」教學 = The practice and implications of "differentiated instruction" in special schools : an example of mathematics in "law of multiplication" /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
區美蘭 | 冼權鋒Hong Kong special education forum
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
2013 (Vol. 15)
Special Education Society of Hong Kong | The Hong Kong Institute of Education Centre for Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education「適異教學」在特殊學校的實踐與啟示 : 通識科示例 :「環境保護」= The practice and implications of "differentiated instruction" in special schools : an example of liberal studies in "environmental protection" /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
區美蘭 | 冼權鋒