EdUHK Collection
Showing 361 to 370 of 387 results
English medium instruction in secondary 1 and 2 in Hong Kong schools : an evaluation of policy implementation /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
Chan, Alfred藝展視談 : 西方繒畫新精神 = Views on art exhibition : new spirit in western paintings /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
黎明海Co-ordinating language across the curriculum : a handbook for English medium schools /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
Hoare, PhilipThe value orientations of student-teachers and teachers in Hong Kong at a time of change /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
Ma, Kwai HeungLearning how to learn : a handbook for teachers /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
Ingham, Michael | Bird, Norman | Evan, LesFun after hours : extra-curricular activities in secondary schools /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
Lee, IcyA Comparison of the 2,000 most frequently used Chinese characters found in three frequency counts carried out in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong : report /
Staff publications EdUHK Users Only
Ho, Kwok-cheung