EdUHK Collection
Showing 31 to 40 of 312 results
Improving the wellbeing of refugees through the development of generic green skills : a potential contribution to sustainable urban development in Hong Kong /
Student Theses Public Access
Saral, Aysuhan TubaThe effects of residential mobility on decision making /
Student Theses Public Access
Guo, ZeyingThe impact of parents' goal orientation on parent-child relationships and the well-being of parents and children /
Student Theses Public Access
Ng, Oi KiuLocalising task-based language teaching in China's examination-oriented context : exploring the effectiveness of a localised task-based language teaching form on oral performance /
Student Theses Public Access
Lu, JinmiaoStudy of vegetation's impact and green schools on students' and teachers' knowledge, attitudes and behaviours on environment in Zhengzhou City in Mainland China /
Student Theses Public Access
Wei, RanAn ethnographic case study of secondary school's moral education in a Mainland city of the Greater Bay area /
Student Theses Public Access
Wang, Lei Hu TigerThe relationship between photoshopping self-pictures and Hong Kong young women's self esteem : investigating the underlying mechanism /
Student Theses Public Access
Choi, Sik UeReducing stigma to increase university students' intention to seek help for depressive symptoms /
Student Theses Public Access
Tang, Tsz YinAn investigation of a student-centered education-based implemented music curriculum in Guangdong public elementary schools /
Student Theses Public Access
Zhang, Lexuan