EdUHK Collection
Showing 21 to 30 of 344 results
In search of the middle influence : case studies of heads of teaching research groups in leading teacher learning through instructional leadership in Chinese primary schools /
Student Theses Public Access
Tang, JianjingDevelopment and implementation of a learning analytics tool to support teacher orchestration of collaborative science inquiry in a mobile learning environment /
Student Theses Public Access
Cao, JiaxinTeachers' intention to use gamification for motivating school students' learning in a second-tier city of China /
Student Theses Public Access
Huang, HaoyiThe influence of gamification and flipped learning on learning achievement and engagement of adult business education programmes under the COVID-19 pandemic /
Student Theses Public Access
Ng, Lui KwanFrom sluggish to flourish : the relationship between inhibitory control, sleep quality, and flourishing outcomes among young adults /
Student Theses Public Access
Cheng, Anna SusanneExploration of a technology-enhanced self-regulation training model for enhancing EFL students' academic writing skills and self-regulated writing capacities in the Vietnamese tertiary context /
Student Theses Public Access
Tran, Thi Thanh ThaoSocial influence and children's sport experience /
Student Theses Public Access
Su, Lin Yi DianaAn integrative counselling program for emotionally distressed parents of children with special education needs /
Student Theses Public Access
Wong, Kit Ching