EdUHK Collection
Showing 81 to 90 of 3833 results
Evaluation of ceramic teaching in Hong Kong secondary school art education /
Student Projects Public Access
Ma, Shu TingA teaching kit with game cards and dices, for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder to enhance their coordination and communication skill in fitness class /
Student Projects Public Access
Bau, Hiu Lam HelenDevelop an IoT STEM course package: Smart Home simulation with Micro:bit /
Student Projects Public Access
Choi, Yiu TungCompare in-service and pre-service teachers' experience on and the challenges faced by using online teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic /
Student Projects Public Access
Hung, Ka WaiAn investigation of the impact of teaching style on students' social competence /
Student Projects Public Access
Kwok, Wing LamEvaluating pre-service teacher's STEM literacy and self-efficacy in teaching STEM /
Student Projects Public Access
Chan, Mei ChunHow do General Studies teachers cope with the change of teaching mode under COVID-19? /
Student Projects Public Access
Yau, Ka YeeInvestigation of the correlation of time management on stress level in secondary school students (F.4 and F.5) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong /
Student Projects Public Access
Chan, Ching PokStudents' perceptions on science process skills development during biology lessons /
Student Projects Public Access
Chan, Nok Yin